1st - 2nd Grades
3rd - 4th Grades
5th - 6th Grades |
Monday through Friday,
8:15am - 3:15pm
Students in our full day Kindergarten program enjoy an innovative, balanced curriculum which develops cognitive, social, physical, and neurological growth. Utilizing a program with objectives that exceed the state standards, our "individualized" curriculum approach allows each child to develop skills at his/her appropriate level and promotes confidence and a sheer joy of learning.
The systematic phonics approach (Zoo-phonics) to literacy that we use, gives children the skills to become strong readers and writers. Each student is read to, reads with a teacher, reads with an elementary school "reading buddy" and is encouraged to read daily on their own both at school and at home. The "reading buddy" concept is successful both as a literacy program for all students and as a school community builder.
Writing is practiced every day as modeled group writing and as individual responses which encourages children to express their own thoughts and original ideas.
Students move through our comprehensive math program at their own rate.
One-on-one instructional guidance from the teacher helps to promote skill learning and retention.
Hands-on activities for play, language arts, science, social studies and math not only provide extended opportunities for discovery but also provide excellent opportunities for fun! |